December 23, 2010

I Have Been Reborn (Day 1)

Sorry for the sporatic posting over the past few days.  I have realized that over the past few days that going forward there are probably going to be a few days that I will miss posts just because I am too tired to write.

Well the pre-conditioning program is complete.  At 4pm yesterday I finished my 6th and final total body radiation appointment.  I have gotten a pretty good red glow from it (I guess it suits the christmas season :) ) 

While you lay in the radiation room you get lots of time for reflection and thought since you are all alone.  (All the techs run out and seal you in the lead room before it begins).  While going through the radiation it dawned on me that I was killing myself.  It was an odd realization.  I had agreed to a conditioning program that without the miraculous generosity of my donor I would not survive from.  It really put a lot into perspective.  I am personally really happy to be done all the conditioning program, I really did not enjoy the radiation.  As the xrays react with the air they make a disgusting smell that I did not enjoy one bit.

Last night at 5pm I was infused with my new stem cells.  These new suckers will move throughout my body over the next few weeks looking for bone marrow to set up shop in and start producing all my new blood cells.  The interesting thing is as they start producing my new immune system, it will seek out my old one and kill any remaining cells which will include any leukemic cells that survived the radiation and chemotherapy.  I am now just playing the waiting game of waiting for my old counts to crash and waiting for the new cells to start doing there job.  I have posted a picture of me holding my new cells.  It was a very surreal experience holding a bag that had so much power and would save me life. 

Well that is all for now. I hope you all have a good christmas.  We sure intend with such a wonderful christmas gift given to us.  I only hope to one day repay even a fraction of the generosity this person has given to me.


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  1. Aaron, your amazing my friend! Congrats on being done the conditioning program and I hope you and your fiance have a very merry christmas!!!!!!!!

  2. Ran across your blog; I work in BMT research. I'm rooting for you - keep up the fight! Thoughts and prayers coming your way.

  3. Medical science is just amazing isn't it Aaron! Wow! Merry Christmas to you and all your family. I hope you get home soon :) 2011 will be a very special year for you I'm sure! Thinking of you with nothing but positive thoughts and hopes.

  4. Merry Christmas buddy.

  5. You are such an inspiration Aaron! We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers and hope you make a speedy return home!
