May 20, 2011

Broken Down

Well it happened, the rain finally broke me (but I will get to that in a minute).  Many of you may have been wondering where I have been since I haven't posted in a week now.  Truthfully I had a post planned for last Friday with some great candid captures but just didn't have time to get through processing some photos. 

The past weeked has been pretty busy around here as Amy and I were finally able to host a party to celebrate our engagement with our families.  We wanted to throw the party so they would have the oppurtunities to meet before we are all sprawled out on the beaches of Aruba and to actually celebrate our engagement; if you remember I pretty much went into the hospital a month of so after we actually got engaged.  The party went off great and from what I could tell everyone had a great time. 

The planning, prepping, and partying took a big amount of energy from me (although truthfully Amy did way more work than me). So this week the plan was to just rest and re-energize.  The problem was the rain.  We got hit with another 7 day straight affair of rain and overcast skies and it finally did me in. With my energy levels already low, the crappy weather drained all my ability to be inspired and passionate.  I was so drained I didn't used my camera for almost a week (goodbye P-365) So that brings us to why you haven't heard from me for a little bit.

Going through this cancer experience I have learnt many lessons.  One of the most important lessons I learnt was not to push yourself too hard when you are in your valleys.  It is okay to take a break from everything and just lie around and "veg out".  It is important to not make a habit of this but a couple days of just re-energizing and reflecting can be just what the doctor ordered.  Some may ask if I am disapointed that my project 365 is over or if I think I should have forced myself to perservere through the valley.  And my answer to both would be no.  I started the project just as a means to get myself motivated to shoot more often on my quest to becoming a better photographer.  Just taking a photo for the sake of taking one didn't serve my main purpose and goal in photography.

If we don't take a complete break from our passions sometimes, especially when we are feeling blue and unispired, our perserverence can actually be a negative and have us start resenting that passion. 

Well it has been a week, the sun is back out, and so is my camera.  I have shot well over 300 street shots today so I will have a busy weekend of sorting through the old and new images but I am feeling very good. 

Looking back who knows what caused my little valley, whether it be from being a little tired or the crappy weather but it helped teach me a good lesson on how to get through them for when future valleys come a knockin' :)

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