August 04, 2011

Am I a Writer Too?

The past year really has been one of self discovery for me.  I have found deep peace within myself, changed my lifestyle, and found passions I would have never given a second chance to in the past. 

Up until a year ago I had never taken any fine arts training of any kind.  I was always the jock type.  I did have some artistic bones in me as I studied music for many years, but many people did not know that side of me.  All I was seen as was an athlete, probably because that was the persona I projected. 

Just before my diagnosis of leukemia I wasn't even an athlete anymore, preferring more to be lazy and party :) (hence the lifestyle change).  But when I was diagnosed with leukemia things changed drastically for me.  No longer did I have the physical strength I once had, it was like starting anew.  That is partly how I became interested in photography, as more of something to do while going out for walks to keep what little strength I had up. 

Little did I know, that even though I had never had interest in fine arts in the past, or had any training whatsoever (well I was trained to colour inside the lines in kindergarten but that doesn't count) I seemed to have an "eye" for photography.  It baffled me because I did not see me as a creative person.

Instead of being baffled for long though I decided to accept this new gift and nuture it and my photography skill and passion have blossumed because of it.

Lately, I have been contemplating what else I am capable of that I didn't ever give a second thought to before.  I really wasn't coming up with any ideas until I received an email from a young girl who had leukemia and came across my site.  I was responding to her and giving her a list of a bunch of posts that she might find useful, helpful, and insightful and it hit me.  A lot of the things I have written have been along a particular theme, so I wondered is there a potential for me to write a book?

I have been told by many people as this blog has progressed that they really liked my writing style and that I should consider writing a book.  But I always just chalked that up to nice compliments and nothing much more.  I mean I wasn't the creative type that was capable of a book was I?  It wasn't until I was writing that email that I realized I already had quite the backbone written for a potential book.

So I have decided I may look into a bit further but need your feedback. First, I guess the most important question, would you read a book I wrote?  Please if you read this post reach out and let me know whether through a comment, anonymous comment, or email (  I really do want to hear your feedback.

Second, is does anyone reading this have any experience in writing, publishing, promoting, and selling a book?  If so I would love to pick your brain a bit to see if it is even feasible. 

Who would have thought a year and half ago I would go from looking at myself as an athlete to an artist and potential writer....How the world changes :)

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