November 02, 2011

Life's Ironies

I wrote about my idea for a "new" New Years taking place on December 22 instead of January 1.  Truthfully the idea came to me while watching a recent episode of "The Big C".  In the episode the main character's, Kathy's, friend told her it was fitting he was dying on December 21st, since it was the darkest day of the year.

Up until then I had not really thought about December 21 being one of the darkest day of the year.  At least not since it was covered in high school at some point.  The epidsode got me thinking about all the small ironies that take place in our lives.  Most of these ironies we are not even aware of them until something small like this episodes triggers the "lightbulb to turn on" and allowing us to become aware of them.  This episode was one of those triggers in my life.

On December 21 of 2010, I finished all of large chemotherapy doses and 4 of my 6 total body irradiation doses.  From a literary sense it was kind of fitting that I was going through these treatments at this time of year since darkness is often associated with death.  And after all those treatments I was well on my way to joining this darkness without any intervention. 

Then the 22nd came, the beginning of a where each day is a little bit brighter than the next.  What a perfect day to receive my life giving stem cells.  Receiving these cells brought hope and happiness; transitioning from darkness to light and signalling the beginning of something new.  Like in nature, there still was much darkness to get through, but with each passing day my outlook and health got a little bit better or brighter.

We had always looked before at my transplant as an early christmas gift, but there was so much more to that date.  It was a manifestation of the age old transition from darkness to light.

Of course these mini ironies occur in all of our lives.  I personally believe their occurences are more than just sheer coincidences.  So keep your eyes and mind open, you never know when one of life's ironies will come your way.

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