So what can this big problem be you ask? Well street photography just doesn't seem to be doing it for me anymore. Not exactly an earth shattering problem I know, but is something that I have been needing to address nonetheless.
The problem has been twofold.
First, looking at street photography has become boring for me. I just don't get excited when looking at others' images on the internet anymore and find myself more than often bored. I have found that for the most part street photography has either moved to the pursuit of one-liner jokes, catching someone making a funny expression in close, or a photo that just looks like a snap shot of a random moment of strangers. All these problems have only been magnified by the problem that most street photographs is terribly composed. Although, this is something I didn't reaslise until a few months ago as I started taking private lessons on composition and design. (I wonder if the timing of all this is coincidence ;) )
The second part of the problem has come in my own work. The boring aspect of street photography is not only with others' images but also with my own. More often than not I rarely get excited about the pursuit of single images anymore.
I still enjoy going out with my camera to practice different composition and design techniques I have learnt but whenever I go out with the purpose of shooting street photography I always find something lacking.
After a long time reflecting on this issue while the problem continued to fester I finally realized the problem; the photos weren't telling a story or creating an emotional connection. What made it worse is I began realizing that if I wasn't seeing a story or becoming emotionally invested in an image how could other viewers?
I decided to take a bit of a step back and begin some self evaluation. It wasn't until two weekends ago when everything became crystal clear. I was watching the movie "One Week" and there was a conversation while he was in Banff that really struck a chord. The main character was asked what he was searching for and he resonded,
He just wanted more time and that he was searching for moments
It was that comment about searching for moments that struck a chord deep within me. When I think about the photographs that touch me the deepest it is when a special moment has been captured. This ability to capture special moments has always been the basis of portraiture work and what I feel sets me apart from other photographers. As I thought more and more about the portrait sessions I realized how much I love them. Not only are they capturing special moments but I always create a visual story from the images for the clients when I am finished editing the shoot.
So I wondered if capturing special moments and telling a story is what I love to do, why don't I do this in my other avenues of photography. Street photography is "supposed" to be about catching moments but they are cold disconnected moments. There is no true connection for the viewer in these images. With that said I will still practice street photography but present it to you in a different manner. Lately I have been presenting single images in blog posts but this doesn't satisfy my new desires for photography. So going forward I will begin to present more photo stories, even if it is just a documentation of a photowalk I have gone on. At least this way it will satisfy my want for telling a story with the images.
But this still doesn't fill that need I have feeling and fix that festering desire for something more in my photography. It has been making me want to explore documentary photography more. I have been tossing around an idea for sometime now and have finally decided it is time to move forward with it.
I want to start documenting other's stories in mini "day in the life" projects. The concept is really simple, I will spend one day with a subject taking photographs as they go about their regular routine in an effort to tell some aspect of their story. Who knows maybe one or more will turn into longer term projects ;)
So this is when I need everyone of you once again. I need your help finding people that have a story that want documented and told. So please let me know of any idea you have or someone you know that would love to participate. Comment here on the blog, facebook message, email me, heck you can even snailmail me if you like. I really need your help getting started so please let me know of any idea you have...I think this could be a really fun project!
I can't wait to hear from each and every one of you :DSo I wondered if capturing special moments and telling a story is what I love to do, why don't I do this in my other avenues of photography. Street photography is "supposed" to be about catching moments but they are cold disconnected moments. There is no true connection for the viewer in these images. With that said I will still practice street photography but present it to you in a different manner. Lately I have been presenting single images in blog posts but this doesn't satisfy my new desires for photography. So going forward I will begin to present more photo stories, even if it is just a documentation of a photowalk I have gone on. At least this way it will satisfy my want for telling a story with the images.
But this still doesn't fill that need I have feeling and fix that festering desire for something more in my photography. It has been making me want to explore documentary photography more. I have been tossing around an idea for sometime now and have finally decided it is time to move forward with it.
I want to start documenting other's stories in mini "day in the life" projects. The concept is really simple, I will spend one day with a subject taking photographs as they go about their regular routine in an effort to tell some aspect of their story. Who knows maybe one or more will turn into longer term projects ;)
So this is when I need everyone of you once again. I need your help finding people that have a story that want documented and told. So please let me know of any idea you have or someone you know that would love to participate. Comment here on the blog, facebook message, email me, heck you can even snailmail me if you like. I really need your help getting started so please let me know of any idea you have...I think this could be a really fun project!
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