January 27, 2011

You Are Never Given More Than You Can Handle

Many people when given the horrible news they have Cancer are obviously devastated (I was no different :) ) After the initial shock, some people are left with self pity and constantly asking the question why me.  Thankfully I did not go through this stage but I attribute this to my successful use of the 4 P's of Positivity.

I am believer in a higher power, that many people refer to as God.  Whatever higher power you may believe in, there is one central idea that I believe transcends all religions, You Aren't Given In Life What You Can't Handle.  This belief gave me strength, peace, and purpose.  I firmly believed that I was chosen to fight this disease, because I had the ability to not only defeat it, but learn from it.

I came across a wonderful quote by Lisa Wroble that sums up this belief perfectly

You are stronger than you think,
remember to stand tall.

Every challenge in your life
helps you to grow.

Every problem you encounter
strengthens your mind and your soul.

Every trouble you overcome
increases your understanding of life.

When all your troubles weigh
heavily on your shoulders,
remember that beneath the burden
you can stand tall,
because you are never given
more than you can handle...
and you are stronger than you think.

~ Lisa Wroble ~

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  1. That which doesn't kill you is sure to leave a mark.

  2. Yes I agree, but do you think of the mark as a positive mark or negative mark?

  3. The question also being is if a mark is left, can you get past that to embrace the "New You"? What do you think?
