Blogs...what would ever cause someone to committ to writing an article everyday (or close to everyday). There are many reasons to write a blog. Some people write it to make a business out of it and make revenue, others as a way of sharing ideas or gossip, or as a way to update friends and families during illness.
I often get the comment, "I don't know how you do it, how you can write everyday". Well I can tell you that this blog has been a work in progress throughout the whole year. It actually started as a word document on my personal laptop where I was just journalling all my feelings and thoughts as I was living this horrific experience of starting to live with this disease. The journalling was sporadic at best, but I wanted to get some feelings down on paper. It was twofold, I knew that going through this process was going to go by so quickly and in a blur I wanted to remember what I thought and how I going through it. Secondly, journalling is time and again regarded as one of the most theurapeutic exercises one can do when working through tough times. I continued this practice off and on just as a way of recording the events that were happening.
The blog didn't come about until I was lying in my bed in the hospital and was pondering how I could use my experience to better myself and others. That is when I realized that I shouldn't be keeping my thoughts and reflections to myself but sharing it with the world. I found other people's experiences so helpful when I was going through my treatments that I felt I had an obligation to pay it forward so that others might benefit from my experiences. My biggest hope and dream is that, the trials and tribulations I have gone through with this will benefit someone else in a positive way. And it was with this vision that my blog was born. For the past couple months I have been spending lots of time redesigning it the way I want, and figuring out what I want to write about.
So the question remains how do I write everyday. Well the first little secret I have learnt over the year is actually get a couple posts ahead so I only have to write when inspired ;) (Keep that between us though :D ) I am definitely not blogging to make a million dollars. Although I do have ads on my page the net me a couple cents a day. It just feels good to see you make a little bit of money for all the work that goes into writing :) To tell the truth my blog almost died just over a month ago. I was not entirely satisfied with what I was posting about and didn't really feel like it was living up to the vision with what I wanted to accomplish with the blog. Instead of killing it though I took sometime and re-examined my vision for the blog and what I wanted to write about. It was then I realized that my true passion was my reflections and those were what people would take from my experience most. I could do million of lists of how to get through chemotherapy but those are a dime a dozen on the internet, and not many of my readers needed that information. For me it became evident I could focus more on how we can use my experiences to make all our lives better. My ultimate dream would be to write a book when I am through this whole experience that might add value to other's lives, and this has been providing a great avenue to work out my thoughts and reflections.
I am a very introspective person constantly thinking and reflecting. Going through this experience has only made that stronger because you spend so much time alone during the days. This is where the writing of the blog helps because it gives an avenue to express my thoughts and feelings. For the first couple months of being sick I spent more time watching tv and vegging out. But over the past little while as I have become more inspired by hobbies and writing, the tv rarely goes on anymore. I spend most of my mornings listening to music and writing.
Well sorry if that rambled a little bit today. I just wanted to share with all of you the reasons why I write. I did joke earlier about the lake of monetary compensation with the blog, but the true compensation that I value the most is that all you, my readers continue to enjoy my posts.
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