December 03, 2010

Week in Review 12.03.10

Well as most of you already new I received news that my bone marrow transplant is going to take place in December.  I get admitted to the hospital on December 16th which is not too far from now so I have a lot to do to prep for it.  Since it is our second time in the hospital we have a little better idea of what we need.  So  between stocking up for the hospital, all my prepatory appointments, finishing my christmas shopping, and eating all the things that are going to be forbidden :) it will be a busy couple weeks.

Commenting - i really appreciate all the comments and love to hear from all of you but most people seem to using the anonymous posting.  If you use this posting type and feel up to please sign your name at the end of the comment, I love knowing who I am hearing from :)  If you want to remain anonymous but still comment, no biggie, I still love hearing from you. :)

Small Request  - most have you have will have noticed a small amount of ads on the blog.  If you like a blog post or just feel up to please feel free to click on an ad.  You can close the page once clicked.  It is only a couple cents but always nice :)  Plus it will be a good way for me to know which posts you like the most ;)

Holiday Season is the time to give - The holidays are truly a time for giving.  I have a present idea for each of you that will cost nothing :)  If you are able please go out and give blood.  A bunch of you have already started with the blood donation challenge but if you aren't please consider giving this holiday season.  The holiday season is always a time when the blood banks require more blood and there are less donations.  It will only take a small bit of time out of your day and you can change the lives of 3 people.  What better way to go into the holiday season that saving three lives.  I bring this up because between Christmas and New Years this year I will be requiring blood products each day to keep me alive.  If you do donate please leave a comment letting us know your name and donation date.  It is always so great to hear about the donations!

I am at a good mental place now going into the transplant.  I am still not super excited about the bone marrow biopsy but I am trying not to think about it too much because that just makes it worse.  It is a necessary evil so I will just grin and bear it ;)  I have my game plan for trying to deal with the chemotherapy this time around. I am not too sure what to expect with the radiation but I hope to find a really experienced nurse once I get there and get all the great prevention tips :)

Well I hope you all have a great weekend.

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