January 20, 2011

Cancer's Positive Side Effect

Why on earth would someone say getting cancer is the best thing that ever happened to them.  You all have heard it said before, heck I have even said it.  But from your vantage point I could imagine what you are thinking, "Are they f'ing crazy?? :S "  You see what we have to go through while to fight for our lives, how could it ever be referred to in a positive light.  One of the major positive side effects of a cancer diagnosis is it provides you with amazing perspective and opportunities for reflection.  I spoke yesterday about how others can put your own situation perspective showing you that there far worse realities.  The perspective I speak about today is a change in what is important to you and the growth you experience as you realize it.  When you are forced to face a reality that you may no longer live you really examine your life to that point and decide whether you would be happy with your life so far, as I discussed in my post If you were to die today, would you be happy with your life?

For me in the beginning I had no idea how my battle with cancer was going to change my personal perspectives on different aspects of my life but I was confident many things would change.  This possibility excited more than you could imagine.  I knew that the next two years fighting this disease were going to change me to my core and it was exhilarating to ponder who I would become.  I have spent lots of time battling the disease, but also used the time for reflection and self growth.  I still don't know who will emerge but I can tell you I already have different perspectives than 1 year ago. 

So I hope this helps you all understand why cancer is seen in such a positive light to so many survivors.  It is not often that we are given the chance for a do over in our lives.  And when you have to fight like hell to achieve that do over, how can you not make the most of it and be positive about your disease.  It was the catalyst that woke you up and enabled you to change the things you didn't like in your life.

The saddest part is so many of us (me included :) ) need this catalyst to re-examine our lives and perspectives when we don't need it.  We just need to take some time to ourselves and honestly take a look at our lives and change what we don't like.  Remember life goes by fast and not everyone gets do-overs so lets all do it right the first time.  Don't wait for your scary wake-up call to come make changes today.  They don't have to be massive changes either, it can be as simple as trying something you always wanted to try or taking back up an old hobby that you used to love. 

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