Hello world!
This blog has been a couple days in the making now. When I was first diagnosed with Leukemia I played with idea of keeping a journal and actually succeeded with it for one day. But with everything that was going on it fell to the wayside. The inspiration for this came to me at 4am in the Morning of March 12. I had woken up to go to the bathroom and couldn't fall back asleep. My mind was going a million miles a minute...I was reflecting on the journey so far, the journey ahead, my reflections on life, and how could I affect change in others. It all came together I could create a blog with a vision! The blog would follow me as I moved through my journey and allow me to share any and all reflections I had along the way. As I moved through the journey to being healed I could start morphing the blog into driving awareness around leukemia and affecting change. From that moment I had my vision and couldn't sleep another wink, I had to get started right away (plus they come at 5:30am to take your vitals and bloodwork).
First things first though. I needed a name for it. I have to admit this took much longer than I expected. I wanted a name that fit the vision of the blog and anytime I came up with something half decent it was already being used somewhere on the web. I originally wanted something along the Me to We lines because it exemplified the vision perfectly but Craig Kielburger already had that one. So I kept brainstorming.
I have to admit it really is hard to be creative when you are trying to be creative. I was fixed on the idea of the big bang (having just been reading A short history of Everything) as it was the perfect metaphore for my vision. The idea of a central mass of energy that one day exploded outward into the universe. And then it hit me, Aaron Outward. The epiphany actually came while I was having my blood drawn. It perfectly summed up the big bang metaphor and my vision.
Since getting the name I have been working around the clock trying to design the website and update with content. I was so focused this morning that I didn't even notice my nurse hang a bag of antibiotics until I felt the cold liquid going into my arm.
I hope you enjoy my reflections and thoughts along this journey!
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