October 31, 2010

Quick Update

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Sorry for the delay in this, it has been awhile since we spoke last. So I thought I would use this post to update everyone on what is going on with me.

Today was a little bit of a weird day for me. It was the first week since I was diagnosed with leukemia that I didn't have to go to the hospital. Last week at my appointment with my doctor we started the second consolidation phase of my treatment and he informed us that now I only have to go back to the hospital every 3 weeks. The reason I say today was weird for me is that the trips down to the hospital actually kind of break of the week for me and give me a social aspect. Dora just isn't the best conversationalist :) I will still hang out with my mom on Wednesday's just going to have to find something else to do other than waiting to receive treatments at the hospital. I am sure there will be lots of wednesday golf in the future.

I have actually been pretty busy the past week. Last friday I went to surprise everyone at my office for their potluck. It was great to see all their faces again. I only wish I had more time there to visit with everyone. I guess next time I will have to keep it less of a surprise and book catch-up meetings so I can fit more visitations :)

On Saturday I attended a sailing course. I have been looking for different things to do to break up the monotony of being home and I thought maybe sailing might be a fun thing to learn. It turns out that it is a little too much for me so I only attended the one day. In addition the weather was horrendous, it was cold, rainy and Lake Ontario felt more like I was a crab fisherman on the Berring Strait. We were sailing in 10 foot waves! Talk about a crash course in getting your sea legs. I still want to learn to do it one day it just isn't in the cards for me right now. I am looking for a leisure activity that I can do with friends or by myself and I just couldn't see myself sailing solo right now.

I sold my car last night! As of tomorrow I will be carless for the first time since I was 16. I am a little sad to sell it but it just didn't make sense to keep the car when i barely use it. It is a weird feeling though, almost a loss of independence. There may be a chance you will see me with another car this summer but it will be a beater. I joke with Amy that I am going to get a 1980's Caprice classic, but little does she know I am serious. She thinks when I am talking about buying a boat I am mean a boat for the water....secretly I want my first car again :)

Other than that nothing too much new to report. I have had some fatigue this week but that is normal with just having been giving the chemo last week. I feel my strength coming back on a daily basis. Now I am just trying to figure out different things to do that I can use to pass the time. Anyone with any low cost suggestions please let me know. I am planning to try spinning in the coming weeks. So I will let you know how that goes, I better go out and get myself some Lance Armstrong gear :)

Well hope you all have a good day,


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