Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the delay on this, I tried my best to get this out this morning but today has been the busiest day yet at the hospital. Compounded with that my camera wasn't cooperating today.
This post is a special post that I want to dedicate to all the nurses that that have touched my life over the past 4 weeks. You truly are angels walking the earth in my eyes. When I arrived at PMH I was extremely nervous as to what the next month would hold for me. I was scared what the chemotherapy would feel like, and had many visions of what the movies have made a cancer wards look like. Everyone one of you made me feel right at home, dispeled my of my movie induced worries, assured me that I would get through this, and created a true family atmosphere. Each time I had any procedure you took the time to not only explain what was happening, make sure I was comfortable but what I might feel afterwards and what to notify you of to fix any symptoms.
I will never forget the advice I was given when I first arrived that cancer treatment is a team sport. The doctors have their job, the nurses theirs, and the patients have their job. I appreciate everyone of the tips you gave me throughout the course of my chemo, because I truly feel that I got through as unscathed as because I had some much guidance and support.
I will always look at 14A as part of my family now and will always come back to visit. I have missed being able to get pictures with all of you so watch for me in the halls with the camera. If you see me and don't want a picture, you better duck into one of the isolation rooms ;)
If anyone is interested, there are pictures posted on my facebook group located at: Facebook | Aaron Offord’s Marathon against Leukemia and as I catch you in the hallways I will post more :)
I thank you for all your support, care, and guidance. Each and everyone of you has touched my life in a way you can't imagine and I will forever be thankful I had the oppurtunity to meet each of you.
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