October 31, 2010

Goal 1 - Death of my Saviour

Happy Canada Day! I hope everyone is enjoying there much deserved day off.

Yesterday I posted about the importance of living for the future especially when you are going through tough patches. I also eluded to a couple of goals I have set along the way to help me stay focused on the future. The next couple days I will focus on sharing a bunch of those goals.

The first goal I set is something that is been lingering for months now. For those that know my story know that the reason I was diagnosed so quickly was not because I was showing some of the dangerous symptoms but rather I was getting a plantars wart treated and during treatment a fairly inconspicuous symptom was recognized. Too many, myself included, this plantar's wart was considered a miracle wart because without it who knows how long I would have gone undiagnosed. In fact I could have died had I not had it. I have decided though that it was time to part ways with my tiny little saviour so for the past couple weeks I began treating it again. I wasn't allowed to treat it for a couple months while I was going through the heavy treatment cycles so it allowed all my progress before I was diagnosed to be nullified. But I am determined to be of this pest.

Unfortunately for me the treatment is fairly painful and not something I would wish upon an enemy (those who have had one know what I am talking about :) ) There are some days that it actually hurts too much to walk much. This actually makes the cancer treatments a little harder because even on days when I want to go out walking there are sometimes I can't. But short term pain for long term happiness is always better so I keep pushing on through :)

Unfortunately my picture of the week section has taken a little bit of a beating because I haven't been able to get out to take many pictures. I promise that once healed I will flood the site with my photography :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the fireworks tonight. I know I am looking forward to them.


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