October 31, 2010

Inspiration Comes from All Over

For most people a cancer diagnosis causes you to take a step back and reaccess your life; are you happy with it to date, doing what you want with your life, living all of your dreams? The cancer diagnosis adds a mortality to your life that often many people do not think about until they are older. Many people I have talken to and read about use the cancer diagnosis as the catalyst they need to add more meaning to their lives. It so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives and work and forget the things that make up happiest or put dreams on hold. I think the cancer diagnosis just brings a reality that we aren't going to live forever and that we need to focus on the things that make us happiest now.

One of the major techniques I have used throughout my battle is seeking counsel and inspiration in the words of others. I have spoken before about how the battle of my friend from high school who suffered a paralyzing neck injury inspired me while in the early days of my diagnosis. In addition, many books have given me inspiration and lucky for me I have found a perfect inspirational book for each stage. As I have written before Lance Armstrong's book got me through the diagnosis stage of my battle, and Man's Search for Meaning gave me a lot of strength for getting through my induction therapy.

Since I have been out of the hospital I have been looking for inspiration and meaning. A friend gave me one of their favorite books to read and I absolutely love it. She gave me The Alchemist and I have read it twice. There are so many wonderfully inspiring parables and quotes throughout the book; so many that I can't type them here. But the jist of the book it to always follow your dreams and to live for the moment.

The living for the moment idea is something we here often but it something that is very difficult to do. In addition, it is a bit contradictory to the message from Man's Search for Meaning. I think to be most successful we need to have a mix of both. When going through truly difficult and painful times we need to heed the message of setting goals and looking to the future but we cannot forget the present because that is where the true beauty and happiness lies.

So if you haven't read The Alchemist get out there and get a copy. It is a very short read (only a couple hours) but I promise you will be inspired

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