November 02, 2011

Life's Ironies

I wrote about my idea for a "new" New Years taking place on December 22 instead of January 1.  Truthfully the idea came to me while watching a recent episode of "The Big C".  In the episode the main character's, Kathy's, friend told her it was fitting he was dying on December 21st, since it was the darkest day of the year.

October 31, 2011

Why Jan 1st?

Have you ever thought about why we celebrate New Years when we do?  Why was January 1st chosen as the veginning of the new year.  By definition this date represents a beginning of something new.  Our early ancestors based all their timing on the movement of the planets, changing of the seasons and most importantly the movement of the sun.

So why choose January 1st?  If you think about it, nothing new happens on the morning of January 1, except that we are told it is the start of a new calendar year.