January 20, 2012

Spreading Ourselves too Thin

You wake up and go to make breakfast.  As your toast is cooking in the toaster, you cue up the tassimo for some nice coffee.  Your toast just finishes cooking and rush to spread the butter on the toast so it melts nicely but the unthinkable happens, there is not enough butter.  You try to "make it out" scraping every last scrap of butter onto your bread, but it just isn't enough. 

Has this every happened to you?  In the end you eat that piece of toast but it is never that satisfying. 

This post isn't intended to be about bread and toast but rather something that happens much to often in our lives; spreading ourselves too thin.  We are guilty of at some point taking on way more than we can handle.  This usually result in one of three things:
-something falls through the cracks
-we become unhappy with how we are stretched so thin
-the things we can get done aren't to our potential

I am as guilty as the next person for this.  In fact, since the new year began I am realizing just how thinly stretched I made myself for the final 4 months of last year.  As I reflected on it I realized just how impactful it had been on my life; and not in a good way.

I realized that always having to be go-go-go with no downtime for personal enjoyment can really wear a person down (whether in cancer recovery or living our day to day lives).  Even though life has started to return to a semblance of normalcy, I find myself wanting to just to do nothing in an attempt to counter balance the months of being so busy.

During that time I didn't get to do as much photography as I am used to.  As many of you know, photography is more to me than just taking photos.  It is a chance to challenge my brain, see things in a different light, and just a great oppurtunity to get outside in the fresh air.  Since the new year has started I have noticed it is much harder to get back into this hobby, but without it I realized how unhappy I was becoming.  So I have taken steps to infuse photography back into my life.

The other thing that has fallen through the cracks is updating here on the blog.  It is not for lack of posting ideas, I have plenty.  It more comes down to not feeling up to writing a post, opting to just relax instead.  But it isn't just that, I have plenty of ideas to talk about but they range vastly in topics.  Originally I had created multiple websites, which turned out to be a nightmare to maintain and resulted in it being so overwhelming none got maintained.  While lying in bed trying to fall asleep I had an epiphany, this blog is for my thoughts and reflections regardless of the topic.  And so I have decided to streamline everything into this blog.  Not only will it be easier to maintain but will allow for many different topics and will keep the content much fresher. 

I am also trying to get back into the habit and routine of doing a couple posts a week again.  I have found that the best posting habit is usually a tues, thurs, and maybe saturday routine.  Everyday is just too much work to write, and too many posts for you to read :) 

This was kind of a rambling post but there is a moral to this.  Be careful you don't stretch yourself too thin.  Inevitibly it will happen and you will be forced to deal with it.  Take time to step back and look at your life's "pie" (that we discussed two weeks ago), access where you are spending all your time and eliminate the waste.  Just remember to not eliminate the things that make you happy like I did.  Not only are they difficult to get bad started up again, not having them makes for a very unhappy life.

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